
Network News
Scottish Socialist Youth

SSY at Pride 2024

The SSY is calling for a radical Pride fighting for trans healthcare and free Palestine. Join us in Edinburgh on 22 June.

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Finlay Stevenson

A Case Against Endless Growth

Endless expansion of industrial production under a new red banner will still destroy the planet’s ecosystems and endanger all life on Earth – degrowth must become a key component of our economic planning.

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Josh Parsonage

Socialism Needs A New Face

Various organisations seem to recognise the disconnect between ordinary people and the socialist movement. Many believe to be addressing it, but are they really?

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Reading Lists
Kirsten Murray

11 Books to read this International Women’s Day

This feminist reading list is an essential toolkit for anyone wanting to educate themselves on intersectional feminism and how it relates to issues like anti-racism, class struggle, trans liberation, and anti-colonial resistance, as it teaches us how to build an inclusive and equal society.

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Morgan Lewis-Wilson

A Nuclear Scotland?

Radioactive waste and nuclear meltdowns have become a bogeyman for our generation. It’s past time to get serious about low-carbon power.

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