If you are aged 15 and under, a parent or guardian needs to apply on your behalf at the link we provided above.
what do i need in order to apply?
If you are applying yourself, you will first need a mygovscot myaccount. This shouldn’t take long to sign up to providing you an email address to link it to.
During the application process you will need:
Proof of identity
This can include one of the following:
A drivers license or provisional license
A valid passport
A Yoti account on the Yoti app (made using a YoungScot card)
If you do not have a passport or a driving license, then you can prove your identity using a YoungScot card on the Yoti app.
If you do not have a YoungScot card, you can apply for one by contacting your local authority. Every young person living in Scotland is entitled to one.
Proof of address
This can include one of any document listed below, so long as it has your address on it, and is dated within the past 3 months:
Utility bill (e.g. gas, electricity)
Letter from local authority confirming you’re a resident within the council area
Letter from school / university / college
Letter from NHS Scotland (eg. Flu / COVID vaccination letter)
Council tax bill (current financial year)
Bank or mortgage statement
Credit card statement
HMRC Letter
DWP Letter / disability entitlement letter
how long until it arrives?
According to Transport Scotland, it can take up to 10 days for your bus pas to arrive once you receive confirmation.
Expect this amount of time to increase or decrease depending on how many people are applying when you apply.